On July 18th, 2022, Patricia, an OFJ client, graduated from the St Louis City 22nd Judicial Drug Treatment program. This award-winning Drug Treatment Program in the City of St. Louis supports individuals on paths to sobriety. The drug treatment team is made up of the Commissioner, counselors, probation/parole officers, and community partners who support individuals who have found themselves caught up in the criminal Justice system because of their addictions. Once they have completed all the paths of the program, and sober living, their criminal drug charges are expunged. The program can take a couple years of time intensive treatment, which is a requirement to participate in in order to move through the paths and graduate.
This picture is of Patricia, who was presented her graduation certificate of completion. This was a very proud moment and huge accomplishment for Patricia, an OFJ client! She individually thanked each Drug Treatment Team member for all of their support, stating she could not have done this without her teams’ support. Way to go, Patricia!